Sunday, September 21, 2008

Alaska 2008

Well as promised... I am reporting on our super great trip to Alaska. We truly had a wonderfully great time and it was made better by those we got to share it with. Everyone of us was truly amazed by our adventure.

The animals were truly outrageous. The reindeer and musk ox were at a farm. The grizzly and gray fox which I don't have a picture of on here we saw at Denahli National park while riding on a bus 66 mile to look for animals. We saw 14 bears and 11 moose that day. IT WAS GREAT!!! The black bear we saw in Valdez, where the salmon run. He was literally on the side of the road in the creek bed. It was awesome, so we stayed for a while and just watched, couldn't believe we were actually that close and weren't being attacked.

The scenery...that can only speak for itself, and of course the pictures do not do it justice. The rainbow was amazing. As we were leaving Denahli park it was raining a little and it stopped the sun tried to break through and we actually saw the rainbow form from one side to the other. It had the most vibrant colors I have ever seen and it looked like it might have had more than the original 7. It was the absolute best ending of an already spectacular day. Isn't God WONDERFUL!!!

All the flowers were so colorful. Lots of oranges and just gorgeous. We couldn't get over how big they grew either. Because of the extra sunlight and lots of water. Flowers were everywhere and we have lots more picture, ask to see themwhen you are around.

And of course any time you go off with a group of people, strange and unusal things happen. There was no way to get pictures of all of us snoring (yes, Moo too) except Gene and Mike of course. But here are a few picture I thought you would enjoy.

As in any trip some things are better told in person so when you come to visit ask us and we will pullout the other 126 pictures of all the animals, and scenery and all the other what not pictures that we took.
Can't wait for the next adventure. Who knows?. . .you may be a part of it.


Rachel said...

So fun!!! And I will be down at my mom's this week, so I will try to make it up there to check out the rest of your pics and hear all about it!! Great post btw!

jessica said...

I don't understand the ice in the urinal....

Gincy said...

I second Jessica's question...what's up with the ice?

Tarleton Family said...

This is really Charlie's story, but here goes. They put ice in their urinals to flush them. You go on the ice and as it melts it flushes your pee down the drain. Crazy, huh????